Thursday, February 26, 2009

Garden of Understanding

He said he thought we were connected somehow because no matter how much he tried he couldn’t pull himself away from me. He would often joke that I had cast a spell on him because he could smell my perfume and hear my voice when I’m not present. My smile was intoxicating to him; and he loved getting high because he’d go to the ends of the earth to please me. You see, from day one I had his heart. I cared for him, nurtured him like a mother nurtures her newborn. I tended to his every need before he could ever need anything at all. Washing his feet in water scented with oils from sandalwood; Cleansing his mind with detoxifying conversation that would leave him stimulated for days; Rubbing his back and mainframe eradicating any tension and stress the world may have caused him that day~ putting his body at ease; Making love through the night til the sun rose shining rays of pure bliss upon us; Encouraging him to excel beyond existing limitations and follow his dreams. He told me we were connected spiritually. That I was a product of him. That if he was a mustard seed, then I am the soil that nurtures it. I am his sustenance. The root and foundation of his being and without it he would wither away and destruct~ soul emptied. I showered him with tears so often that he’d drown in the puddles, mistaking it for the water he needed to survive… until he realized too much rain would make him destruct just the same. Although he couldn’t stand the heat, he vowed never to shun the sun cause he’d rather burn eternally than endure another rainy day.
And so, that seed began to grow. So much that others admired his bloom from miles away in awe of its’ vibrant colors; envious of the green leaves that surrounded it. Wondering how an empty abandoned garden could produce such beauty. What they didn’t know is that the soil was rich in vital nutrients. This soil was created especially for his garden. Even when the sun didn’t shine for days, leaving puddles of muddy waters and overturned leaves threatening growth; even when he planted seeds elsewhere the soil remained firm and strong continuing to provide him with the nourishment he needed to grow. Never turning her back on that tiny mustard seed she vowed to watch flourish.

Now, the colors don’t shine as bright as they used to. The flower doesn’t bloom in the spring like it used to. Instead he said he’d fallen victim to winter cause it’s never too hot and the rain doesn’t seem to fall as often. He re-budded himself in the winter garden with seeds that resembled him. As time passed he couldn’t understand why the others looked more exuberant than him, why they would bloom faster than him. What he didn’t know is that he wasn’t a winter bud. He was made for the heat- it kept him ambitious; he needed the rain- it made him humble. And although he could survive in the winter garden, he would never flourish. I see him sometimes when I pass the winter garden. Brown limp leaves, deteriorating color. I told him he was welcome back if he could endure the weather. He would drop his head in shame, and nod. I lifted his head high, looked him in his eyes and told him you are a product of me and me of you. I am your foundation, your soil. I won’t watch you wither away! He tore himself from the cold complacent garden, smiled and grabbed my hand. It was at that moment, for the first time, we had an understanding… and now I am at PEACE!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Recession & Sex

What effect has the recession had on your sex life?

It seems with less disposable income, your sex life may get better since more time is spent at home. Ironically enough, that is not the case with everyone. With the increasing worry about making ends meet and ensuring your family stays afloat, sex appeal, sexuality and the like are sometimes the last thought on one’s mind at the end of the day.

Making sure the bills are paid, everyone’s eating and no needs go unmet takes precedence over the libido. Unfortunately, this is a sad reality for many in these hard economic times. The good news is that this can be turned around easily. Because more time is being spent at home, we should take advantage of that. Take this time to try new tactics, explore you & your partner’s sexuality, simply test your limits (if you have any). EXPERIMENT. Be creative- innovative. Make the best of it!

So, I ask you…
What effect has the recession had on your sex life??

Friday, February 13, 2009

Untitled (Lust in Vain)

Void filled temporarily. Space occupied- no vacancies
Cold floor welcomes bent knees
Begging you to stay longer…. At least for the night so we can fall in lust all over again
Selfish needs take precedence over reality
Caught in cliché thoughts of naughtiness you welcome- my heart’s double-pounding
Too scared of rejection
Intertwined energies from emotions unexpressed lead to passion filled days
We’re confusing time cause our love making can’t be measured by numbers
Rather by creativity
Lost in my own imagination we tour the world observing bodies of water overflowing on cherry peninsulas
Speaking in tongues not comprehended by man, but each other
Visiting the edge of the earth not looking back cause hindsight is 20/20
Tasting sweet debauchery with every breath taken
Trimmed trees & mountains become the backdrop of our journey
Caramel drips from green leaves- leaving us inspired to create manmade
Seas where our waters are never confined, but run freely
And although there are no witnesses it is documented in our photographic memory
Just the thought of you in me is a daydream concealed by a fulfilled fantasy
Needing you to stay longer…. Just for today
Cold floor welcomes bent knees
My secret obsession
On my mind -you stay!

KiKi Capri, Taken from- The Chronicles of a Delectable Woman©2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Daydreamin' in Color

Caramel dreams
Delectable things
Intangible but seen
Though liquids are clear
Vibrant hues are eminent, restless
Dancing to the beat of 1 note
Eyes closed
Visualizing that which is not evident to others
Starry nights
Charcoal skies
Elapsed time
Lights flicker
Not sure if the last grain of sand
Has fallen but sight remains on the hour (because time is of the essence)
A lot is seen through stained-glass
Although most believe it is hidden
Pink and blue
Cotton- candy covered thoughts bring pleasure to pain
24 carat gold voices echo through the walls
Invading the secret passage
No thru entry

KiKi Capri, Taken from -The Chronicles of a Delectable Woman©2009