Monday, April 13, 2009

Relationships, Friendships & Transition

I am a true believer that everyone comes into your life for a reason & season. Oftentimes, however we do not get the privilege of knowing the meaning behind someone’s existence in your life (or if we do, it’s after they’ve served their purpose & are no longer around). I have a tendency to conjure up my own meanings behind the relationships that I have (a habit I’m slowly letting go of). I’ve been blessed to have a diverse group of individuals around me in my lifetime that have truly helped me grow in many different ways. As I look at the circle of individuals I currently have in my life, a warm feeling comes over me. I know some people will last while others will either fade away or get cut off…although I intend to keep most around. There are a few individuals I wish I could cut off without having any ties to them and there are a few individuals that I hope I grow closer to as the years pass. There are even a few people I KNOW I shouldn’t be as close as I am to them, but they’re serving a purpose in my life. The old saying “Out of sight, out of mind” has been ringing in the back of my mind lately when it comes to relationships, but that doesn’t always hold true. I have a number of people who I only see once a year (at best), but it’s as if no time has passed once we’re together again. Now, going back to the same words of wisdom, how is it that those who I try to forget always seem to resurface? Or, how do I get so tied up in 1 emotion that I lose sight of what our relationship really means? I’m not sure if I am subconsciously preparing for a transition, but I am truly starting to value those whom I’ve let into my world (as I should). So, in preparation for this would-be-transition I ask:
God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I can’t change, the COURAGE to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference.

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